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light up racing member webinar

This Derby, what horse racing questions did you struggle to answer?
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Time: 7pm ET, 4pm PT

Scientific research

Thoroughbred hooves with ermine spots
Latest Science
Many risk factors have been identified, which can allow for improved management of them with regard to thoroughbred racing. Future studies have been recommended to investigate the success of any interventions
horse welfare injuries soundness
Latest Science
This scientific study looks into the relationship between historical lameness, medication usage, surgery and exercise with catastrophic musculoskeletal injury in Racehorses.
exercise lameness medication soundness surgery
Latest Science
The study indicates that consistent early-life turnout practices, particularly maintaining stable turnout routines and providing access to larger areas before weaning, significantly reduce the risk of musculoskeletal diseases and injuries in young Thoroughbreds, emphasizing the importance of careful management for optimal equine development.
foal horse welfare soundness weanling
Stretch turn on the dirt
Latest Science
Studies such as this are vital to understand risk factors, and creating individual training plans for horses in order to minimise risk. Findings from across the world can help to guide the American industry.
horse welfare racetrack safety science soundness

welfare Articles

Welfare and Rehoming Articles
Since the implementation of the Anti-Doping and Medication Control Program on May 22, 2023, which represents the point in time when HISA became fully operational, the fatality rate has declined for four consecutive quarters, including an approximate 49% decrease year over year in the second quarter of 2024.
horse welfare racetrack safety safer racing soundness
Welfare and Rehoming Articles
Remington Park should be a safer place for horses and jockeys during turf races as a new rail has been installed for the upcoming Thoroughbred season that begins Aug. 16.
horse welfare racetrack safety racetrack updates

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